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Old July 12th 03, 11:03 PM
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Default AWOL "bring 'em on" Bush

AWOL "bring 'em on" Bush
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the National Guard at that time
By Jerome A. Schroeder

It was in all the papers. I was an officer in the National Guard during those days.

If I had pulled Bush's AWOL stunts as reported and never denied, I would have had
my commission stripped from me, immediately drafted and been sent to Nam.

Two missed unexcused drills was all that it took.

This is a simple fact and for right wingers to deny it is to stick their head in the sand.

Fortunately for Bush he had better connections than me.

Disciplinary cites don't happen to sons of congressmen.

Even that connection wasn't enough to prevent his flying status from being cancelled.

During this same era the Air Farce was so desperate for pilots that they were unofficially
grabbing Army pilots and putting them thru an F4 conversion course.

Yet Bush was able to stay stateside ostensibly flying F102s and not F4s
(F16s weren't used in Nam at that time).

Another Chickenhawk like so many senior and minor GOP figures and their supporters.

I've often wondered if Bush ever kept a private flying license.

Every jet jock I've ever known has been desperate to stay in the air and while in uniform
flew every chance they could get.

The only ones that I personally know that don't fly anymore have had their ticket pulled
for physical or drug/alcohol problems.

If the records haven't been destroyed, I'd like to see what the FAA has on the selectee.

There's a story here.

Let us suppose that Al Gore had Bush's military/business record and vice versa.

What would you guys be saying then ?

We know.

Rush would have needed an extra 2 hours to keep up with the slander, Chris Matthews
would be having hysterics and the Wall Street Journal would be doing double editorials
chastising the horrible Gore.

Bush would have been praised as the second Audie Murphy.

It isn't necessary to be a hypocrite to support the GOP and the selectee, but it sure helps.


Re-elect Gore in 2004

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