Exactly what does the antenna look like? Does it begin about 5/8" thick at
the bottom and taper to about 1/8" at the tip? If so, you are looking at
UHF. If it is a uniform thickness of about 5/8" throughout, it is VHF.
Definitely not VHF low band if it's only 6-7" long.
Charlie Brookhart wrote in message
I am trying to find out the frequency of a radio that is being used near
where I am located. It is an ht1000 motorola radio. The antenna is
approximately 4-6 inches long. I went to the motorola web site and got the
specs on this radio. I don't think that the radio is operating on an
frequency, so I have narrowed it down to VHF or UHF. I have a bc-250d
scanner and setup a search range starting at 403.000 and ending at
I tried to setup it up from 403-520, but the scanner is telling me that
is out of the range of the scanner. I am searching in 12.5 khz steps. Is
there any other way to find out the frequency?