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Old July 27th 03, 10:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"star racer" skrev i melding

Can someone tell me if it is possible to track down someone only
listening to a frequency using an Icom Ic R2 scanner in a crowd of

Possible? Certainly.

I would think that if the Icom scanner is only listening to a
signal than it cannot be tracked by someone else. I would also think
that the only way it could be tracked was if it were transmitting a
signal. Can someone please answer this question for me?

All recievers give off radio signals, to some degree. It's going

boil down to how well the reciever is shielded and how badly the person
doing the hunting wants to find it.
You might do a search for "Stupid Scanner Tricks", which used to
detail all the gizmos you can pick up with a scanner, including other

Is there a way that you can block or scramble the R2 signal so one
cannot be tracked?


Yes.. Turn it off