Thread: GMRS Again
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Old July 29th 03, 12:09 PM
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"Frank" wrote in message
news:01c3555d$40259470$0125250a@lpmmxalxunzrbzbt.. .
caleb thomas ...
^ On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 14:04:57 -0000, "Frank"
^ Matt ...
^ ^ Here in Aust we have a UHF CB band ...

^ I'm just guessing this is actually a CB UHF system. Not
^ an Aussie GMRS.

Oh. I assumed "Aust" was an abbreviation for something like "Austin" and
didn't give it any further thought. My apologies to the Aussie for a

yank" assumption.


Yep - Caleb guessed correctly, In Aust(ralia) we have a 40 channel UHF CB
band - 8 repeater pair channels, and a pretty large repeater network around
the country which are all free access. In the bush, it is a very heavily
used resource - in the city, it has become a cheapo method of business comms
with a mix of little and the not so little kids who need their mouths washed
out with soap. Still it is a good system, and I do use it a fair bit. No
offence taken with the assumptions - at least you know where Australia is.
