What kind of (2 way) radio is this?
I picked this up at a flea market from a guy who thought it was a CB, he
said he got it out of a tow truck he bought. To me it looks like a trunked
radio of some sort, most likely 800MHz judging by the front panel.
The ID sticker is missing but the serial number is still on the inside (no
FCC ID to go by) so I am not suspicious. It is a Johnson with a front
speaker and sort of sloped front unlike anything I have ever seen (the side
with the speaker comes out about 5/8" farther than the other side). Rear has
a large heat sink. Radio measures about 2x6x10 inches. Front panel has
following controls: power, V, A, S, Volume, System, Group.
Modular-type plug for the microphone (like my Yaesu FT2600).
Curiously the power cord is blue and red wires. I tried this on two
different 13.8VDC power supplies and I tried reversing the wires and no
matter what they short out the power supply.
Any ideas? Anyone even know the correct power requirement for this