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Old August 2nd 03, 12:44 AM
Dave Bushong
Posts: n/a

Jason Wagner wrote:

I have what appears to be a local city freq, with what sounds like some
police traffic. Every time I hear traffic, it is immedietely followed by a
loud SSSSSHHHHHHHHH sound, as if I had the squelch turned down on an empty
freq. Much of the time there is also a very high pitched whine (like the
sound your TV or monitor makes when it gets warm, only lower in pitch, and
VERY LOUD). When the whine goes away, its back to SSSSSSHHHHHH and then a
little silence. Sometimes its whine, shhh, whine, shhh, traffic, shhhhh,
whine, shhh.... You get the point I'm sure. No other channel does this. I
want to hear the traffic on this channel, but the whine and shhhh are
driving me insane, and I can't tune them out with squelch.

I almost feel like the local cops are jamming folks with scanners, but I'm
sure that's not it.

Anyone know?

Its 154.74Mhz, Douglas AZ if anyone cares.


That is what digital signals sound like on an FM receiver (your
scanner). Here in Hudson NH, they use the same voice freq for these
occasional data transmissions to the mobile keyboard units (460.425).


Please yank that last "t" from my email address.
It's "net", not "nett". You know how to do that,
but the spammers won't.