You can get an owners manual at the link below. It is listed under Bearcat
160, not BC160 so look through the whole list.
The service manual is available at the link below although it is expensive.
I believe the UHF coverage extends down to 440 MHz.
"CH" wrote in message
Can someone help me on info on the Bearcat BC-160?
I'm looking for an owners manual BUT I also want info on a
strange edge connector much like one found on the back of a
Commodore vic 20 or C64. A plastic cap removes to reveal
this connector but it's not marked.
It's also one of the few scanners from the early 80's with
100% electronic push buttons to control everything including
squelch and volume.
I searched the web but found very little except people looking
for a manual or info like myself. Must be a rare scanner.
This is what I do know:
Bearcat BC 160 with Search Mode
Covers 32-50 MHz 144-174 MHz 450-512 MHz
AC Power Only