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Old August 8th 03, 11:31 PM
King Pineapple
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Default Bush Approval Jumps to 60%-Snakes Panic

Clueless European College Kid "Sidewinder" wrote
in message

Released: August 7, 2003

LOL. "Released", he says. Yet he provides NO cite for the poll, like who
conducted it. Nor does he provide a link. You really should do those two
things in the future. Otherwise, you look like a dumb Algore voter. Did you
know Al won the high school dropout vote convincingly in 2000?

A 53% majority approves of the job George W. Bush is doing as
president while 37% disapprove.

Ahh, OK. This is the PEW poll. Sorry to say, this is NOT the most RECENT
poll. That would be the new Gallup Poll, done August 6-8, which has him at
60%-up 2 from their previous. The most recent Fox News Poll (and before you
start with the "Faux News" bull****, need I remind you that FNC routinely
had Bill Clinton's job approval HIGHER than Gallup) had him at 59% on July
28-29. NBC had him at 56% as of the same date, Newsweek had him at 57%, and
even French pollsters Ipsos-Reid, who historically poll at least 5 points
below all the others, had him at 54.

In addition, normally the public opinion polls are done over a 2 or 3 day
period. ALL of the ones in the url above, with the exception of Pew, were in
fact conducted over 2 to 3 day periods.

But this Pew poll was done over a period of 3 WEEKS (July 14 to August 5th).
Different methodology equals different results. A poll is supposed to be a
"snapshot in time", but Pew obviously decided the results they were getting
weren't what they wanted them to be, so they extended the time span of their
polling until they got the results they wanted. Shame on them, they used to
be one of the better polling outlets out there.

"You can change the outcome of any election you want" -Bill Clinton