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Old May 10th 04, 04:56 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Jack Painter wrote:
That's good to remember, thanks. When setting up a specific frequency dipole
(intending no tuner required for two frequencies, the main dipole and a
shorter dipole "fan" under it), the only logical place to test with the
bird-meter seemed to be at the transmitter output. Certainly that swr
changes as it gets to the radiator, as you say. But once the antenna was
trimmed to as near perfect swr as possible, what else would you do?

It depends on whether you are trying to characterize the antenna or
the antenna system. Characterizing the antenna system is useful
for an individual ham but is not very useful, for instance, for an
antenna manufacturer. Knowing the antenna system parameters and
the individual component specifications allows one to indirectly
calculate the antenna parameters to some degree of accuracy.

Seems to me it is reasonable to quote a 3:1 bandwidth even though
the SWR at the center frequency never goes to 1:1.
73, Cecil

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