Thread: newbie question
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Old August 10th 03, 06:10 PM
That Other George
Posts: n/a

Could also be your antenna, that little rubber ducky is not the best
antenna in the world. Heck it could be a 1000 things, start with the
cheapest and setup an outside antenna for it see if that clears things up
for you. Or just walk outside and hold it up, if it clears up you need a
bigger antenna then that little rubber ducky :-)

"DougSlug" wrote in

It may be a signal in a different mode than what your scanner is
trying to decode. In other words, if your scanner is set to NFM
(narrow FM) and the signal is WFM (wide FM) or AM, it might sound as
you describe. What frequency is it? That might help answer the
question. Another possibility is that you are getting some kind of
intermodulation distortion or image. Hard to say exactly without
hearing it.

"Renegade Master" wrote in message

I just bought myself my first scanner a GRE PSR-282

I have entered various frequency's from the net.

On one frequency in particular, there is alot of activity and
although it seems to come through really clear in some respects, like
it feels like a strong signal with no background noise etc, the voice
is distorted and i have to turn it up really loud to hear her.

It reminds me of 'bleed over' from another channel from when I had my
CB radio as a kid.

Is there anything I can do to rectify this?

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That Other George

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