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Old August 10th 03, 07:27 PM
Mark Fox
Posts: n/a

"King Pineapple" wrote in message news:CEUYa.3274
...normally the public opinion polls are done over a 2 or 3 day
period. ALL of the ones in the url above, with the exception of Pew, were in
fact conducted over 2 to 3 day periods.

But this Pew poll was done over a period of 3 WEEKS (July 14 to August 5th).
Different methodology equals different results. A poll is supposed to be a
"snapshot in time", but Pew obviously decided the results they were getting
weren't what they wanted them to be, so they extended the time span of their
polling until they got the results they wanted.

Sorta like the Democrats insisting that Florida keep on counting the
votes over and over again until the liberals get the results they