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Old May 12th 04, 08:52 AM
Richard Clark
Posts: n/a

This was MUCH too tempting to pass up for another chuckle. The number
of logical inconsistencies within this short gasp begged further

On Wed, 12 May 2004 04:21:19 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"

Amateur radio transmitters do NOT typically exhibit a source Z of 50 ohms at
rated power or any other power.

Actual source Z, whatever its value, appears purely by chance AFTER the
design has been completed.

It thus follows there must be SOME Z exhibited, any value of which
occurs by happenstance and whose effect, easily determined, is a
probabilistic spin of the chambers in a capitalistic russian roulette
in the market place. Imagine trying to sell your rigs with this wild
inconsistency in quality and performance. 80% of your product would
be RMA'd to oblivion and your production line brought to its knees
with the loading docks running in reverse. Talk about a mismatch in
THAT line - I love it! We have a description of a conceptual death
wish embraced with a vengeance.

Even the designer doesn't know what value it might turn out to be. And the
amateur radio transmitter user couldn't care two hoots what it is.

Which, of course has been invalidated by the mere asking of the
question that lead to this thread. Boy, self snuffing predictions
come fast and furious. It would be so much more gothic if only there
were numbers behind this dire brooding.

This was better than any Dago Red you happen to be slugging down, Reg.
Do you write this stuff while looking through the bottom of the glass?
If you simply let yourself go, we could have a tale told by Heathcliff
pining for Catherine from the moors.

It seems the Old Wives are still plagiarising each other.

Yours was just syllables short of being lifted from Emily Brontë.

73's and thanx for the opportunity, I will of course allow you the
last comment ;-)
Richard Clark, KB7QHC