On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 03:22:10 GMT, "steelguitar"
My friend has an unblocked scanner and can only hear one side of the
conversation (cell). Yes, he is listening to the base, not the mobile
frequencies. He says he thinks he is hearing the land line side of the
conversation only because he will hear a tech support guy or a business
talking at times.
What can I tell him?
Take your pick:
1. Welcome to 2003, where cell monitoring is mostly a thing of the
2. Keep scanning, you might occasionally find someone using an older
phone, and in that case you will hear both sides.
3. Get a second receiver, subtract 45 MHz from the base frequency,
and listen for the mobile on that frequency. However, for this to
work, he would need a very tall antenna, in a very strategic location.
Remember, we're talking about low power devices. You may be able to
hear the cell site miles away, but you will be lucky if the cell phone
can be heard the same distance as an FRS radio can.
4. Try cordless instead.