wrote in message
On Thu, 2 Oct 2003 00:14:29 -0400, "HEY MOE!" in
rec.radio.scanner - :
Running cycles down is attempted murder.
Throwing bottles at riders is assault with a deadly weapon.
LETHAL FORCE is justified to thwart such attacks.
There you go, pull out your gun and open fire on the motorist
honking their horn at you to get the hell out of the road!
That will help your plight!
Perhaps after a few incidences like that, the law makers will
get off their asses and pass some legislation to get you
morons OFF the road and ON the sidewalk where you belong.
In many areas around here, Bicycle riding on the sidewalks is "NOT"
permitted. When I was a young man, the rules for riding bicycles were taught
to use ON THE ROAD! Riding "with" traffic for one thing, on the side of the
road, having a mirror for viewing what is behind you, and so on. Even taught
turn signals by hand.. Those rules aren't taught anymore, like so many
things that aren't taught and should be. THAT is a large part of the
problem, NO ONE CARES! In some cities, at least the ones I know of and have
been to, the pedestrians wouldn't have a chance with the cycles on the
sidewalks. Especially the elderly and handicapped. The rules of the road
apply to all who use them, EVERY ONE must pay attention and exercise care.
Sadly, this isn't the case. It is every man for himself anymore. ROAD
Hitting people "intentionally" on a bicycle IS attempted murder at the
least. You have to be a kook to even applaud such and action. Maybe that is
one of your kids or relatives one day. It always comes back home, you
For that D.J. to suggest such a thing, he was an ass to say the least.. Our
CC stations here do some wild stuff, but NOTHING to condone injuring others.
Matter of fact, they look down on those things. So it isn't CC doing it,
it's the idiots they have at that particular station.