"michael agner" wrote in message
Well someone did indeed get such a program to work. Here's the URL
where it can be had;
Hiya, Mike! We were just talking about my program. ;-)
Since that page already has the details, I won't go into them here - unless
anyone asks g - but suffice it to say that my BC101 encoder doesn't have
any rounding errors and is, as far as anyone has been able to tell so far,
absolutely accurate. I "did indeed get such a program to work."
I'm working on the next version now, with some major enhancements to the
CTRL+P "View Programming" list. It will have full editing capabilities and
a couple other goodies. Originally, I was going to put all that into a
"TALK mode" function which was an interactive command line, but I decided
to remove that module - much wasted work, but what the hey - and tweak up
the CTRL+P list instead. Those of us who use BCPROG for keeping track of
our programming, not just for looking up codes, will find it all VERY
useful. You won't need an external text editor to modify BCPROG.INI.
*boink!* I just got an idea for another new feature. What if the CTRL+S
"save last frequency" key gave you the option of putting that frequency
into the first available empty channel, assuming one exists? :-) I could
add that in a few minutes.