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Old October 12th 03, 08:06 PM
Paul Keenleyside
Posts: n/a

"Russell" wrote in message
I understand that Vancouver has gone to Ecomm and some is digital but
are there any frequencies that are analog that can still be monitored?
I have heard Vancouver Fire a few weeks ago in the 800Mhz band
Will anyone being coming out with a radio that can monitor this type of
radio system???

Vancouver went to EComm in the mid 1990's, but not all municipalities and
districts are incorporated into it. Delta has
just started phasing into it.

Some areas of the GVRD are still analogue. As for EComm, three words come to

out of luck.

EComm uses one type of APCO P25 (one of three or four kinds), and unless it
is the same as that can be picked up with a Radio Shack Pro-96, no dice.
Word from the local scanner hobbyist web site is that the Pro-96 will not
work on EComm's purchased version of APCO-P25.Wouldn't spend the $1000 CDN
it would take to get one from Radio Shack in Bellingham yet.

Vancouver Fire uses some analogue frequencies. Burnaby Fire is all analogue
and is quite open. I've picked up Burnaby Fire as far away as Langley and
West Vancouver.

Surrey is analogue but you practically have to be there to get anything.

Once you're up the valley, Abbotsford to Hope is all analogue including fire
and RCMP and Abbotsford Police.

EHS (BC Ambulance) uses some analogue frequences in the Greater Vancouver
area as does the RCMP but haven't gone through their frequencies yet.

As for Vancouver Police, zero. VPD is all digital, and also uses an
encrypted computer aided dispatch system, so
you wouldn't be able to hear anything if the constable was running your
licence plate because of the booting through the
yellow light you did on Hastings.

Good place to get details is Scan B.C. (

Another is Trunked Radio ( You'll find trunked
frequencies for the Vancouver, Victoria,
and Western Washington area (amongst everywhere else in North America).

The Washington State Patrol is also analogue as is Seattle Police (Seattle
Police is trunked).
