GRE 3001 Pre-Amp Experience Anyone?
I use a BC-780XLT and an Icom R-7000 coupled together with a
Stridesberg two port passive multicoupler.
This setup works well except the coupler sucks about 4 dB out of the
Since many of my targets are already weak, I'm looking to replace the
4 dB.
Wonder if anyone has experience using the GRE 3001 preamp at LOW GAIN
I've seen all sorts of horror stories about pre-amps, and no one
comments on the gain setting they used. I suspect many ran the things
on the max 20dB setting.
All I want to do is overcome the losses in the coupler (without having
to buy the 4 port active coupler as these things are pricey).
Comments anyone?
73 Tom