How long are the longest elements? They would need to be about 15 1/2ft
long for 30mHz or about 11 3/4ft at 40mHz. I believe the Scantenna is a
re-marketed TV antenna and if so it would drop off below 54mHz. The
longest elements would probably not exceed about 8 1/2 if this were true
unless some loading was employed.
RC wrote:
I am using a Scantenna antenna from, and I notice
that this antenna is VERY DEAF on this frequency range. When I try a
discone antenna, I can hear cordless phone conversations; however,
when I switch to the Scantenna, all is quiet. I am using a BC785
scanner. Has anyone notice this problem, or I am having a unique
problem with my setup? The Scantenna really work on the VHF-HI and UHF
frequency ranges.