Thread: RFID
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Old October 24th 03, 02:22 AM
Posts: n/a

Burr ...
^ Cool Dude, your smart.

Not me!

^ I don't guess we can use any of this in DXing or Scanning.

I don't know. My guess is that an RF transceiver sends a signal that
activates the RFID device so that it will send a signal in return, which the
RF transceiver then receives and logs. The RFID device's output power is
probably well below a tenth of a watt so you'll probably have to be within a
few feet of it to get a useful signal.

You can probably build an extremely low power transmitter that will activate
these devices then walk around town listening for them with your scanner, but
I don't think it would be much fun. In your case it might be a little more
fun to place the transmitter, your scanner, a TNC, and a laptop computer next
to 395 and scan vehicles for a couple of days. Its something to do in the

Or you could wait until they start putting these things on ID cards and keep
a record of everyone you meet! Then you could program your PDA to notify you
whenever someone you know is nearby.
