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Old November 5th 03, 11:41 PM
Posts: n/a

both winmdt and mdtmon were written for a type of MDT that has
( for the most part ) been abandoned commercially now.
modern MDT runs at much higher baud rate and with totally
different protocols than those programs were written for.
much of it either encrypted or run on digital trunking
repeaters. THAT is the major reason that you haven't seen anything
posted about them ( in the USA ) in several years.
there are always ( it seems ) a few people that chime in and
" claim " their local metro area is still using the older / slower
protocols , but for the vast majority of hobbyist ... MDT is
LONG past monitoring. unless you are absolutely sure your local
MDT is old / slow mdc-4800 , forget about it. ( both those programs
only decode mdc-4800 and do not work with the newer RD-Lap
9600 - 19,200 baud signals ..all of which have newer and different
encoding / decoding protocol. )

alternative possibilities include some of the rd-lap-9600 mobile
units seen , occasionally , for sale on ebay .... and the rare MDT
field testing terminal equipment also seen on ebay. in either case
there are MANY different types of signals that people lump into the
MDT realm , these days ... many of them no here near being the
MDT that people generally think of. most of the above is long shots
at best and not likely to be what you have in your area. modifying
and using the above mentioned equipment requires " profound "
knowledge and equipment to be successful.

one of the best sites for current MDT interests is

middle , center of the page. experience says these programs aren't
going to help you much ( esp if you live in USA / Canada ) but it's
something to work with.

remember that if you live in the USA , eavesdropping on MDT signals is
breaking Federal laws .

have phun .....
krackula ....

BTW: MDT freqs are VERY dependent on local applications and equipment
..they can vary from 150 mhz police to 900 mhz digital repeaters.
there are NO standardized freqs or encoding methodologies for "
in-car " mobile data terminals . in my metro area , alone , they
are located on 150 mhz, 460 mhz , 850 mhz and 900 mhz bands.
( CHiPs , and 3 different local PDs ... all on different freqs and
using different protocols )

On 5 Nov 2003 07:44:40 -0800, (Ben Dover)

Hello all,
First posting on here, does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of
the program WinMDT that used to be available here on the net a few
years back, and how well it worked compared to something like MDTMON.
Also, if anyone would happen to know of any sites that have info on
MDT frequencies that could be monitored. LCblanton's website used to
have the info up on it, but he apparently thinks he's a scannergod and
too good to reply to emails regarding this subject.