ever since 1997 ( or maybe 1998 ) ..the same EPCA pack of rules
that slammed scanner makers ( remember the Newt Gingrich
debacle ? ) , USA web sites that offered ( some types ) of free
decoding software ( it why you don't see any USA sites like those
anymore ) , and custom types of intercept devices ( remember those
signal snarfer boxes that used to be sold on the web ? )
etc. ..... the congress / FCC has made it illegal to eavesdrop /
intercept ANY signals that have been encoded , encrypted or
otherwise radiated with the expectation of privacy of the signal.
these same laws also made it illegal to listen in on cordless
phones, cellfones, pagers , mobitex signals etc. if you listen in
AT ALL and esp. USE or repeat the information to anyone and get
caught ( ala Newt ) it is a federal offense , now.
Only " in the clear " signals ( yes APCO25 is considered in the
clear ) are legal to be listened to ..signals where the originator
had NO expectation of privacy when they transmitted them.
it's still illegal to use or repeat the " in the clear " signal info
in many instances ...but not just to listen .
it's why no new software has shown up to decode the newer signal
types ... because of possible federal charges that could result .
about anyone could eavesdrop on analog cellfones or 4 level flex
pagers .. but doing so , in the USA , is a federal crime ..now. (
this includes MDT ..especially MDT ..because police use it for secure
comms and expect it to be private )
Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2522, § 2701
" ...Electronic Communications Privacy Act
("ECPA") (18 U.S.C. 2510-2522, 2701-2709, 3121-3126)
ECPA added electronic communications to the federal wiretapping act.
ECPA applies to R.F. communications privacy because it makes it
illegal to knowingly intercept, use and / or disclose electronic
communications that are in transit or while they are in storage. ..."
the EPCA started back in the mid 1980s and has been upgraded many
times. you can type EPCA into Google if you want to dig through all
the regs..
even the authorities can't eavesdrop either ... the laws apply to
them , also.
check it out .....
krackula .........
On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 23:16:38 -0000, "Frank"
krackula ...
^ remember that if you live in the USA , eavesdropping
^ on MDT signals is breaking Federal laws .
Which laws?