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  #7   Report Post  
Old November 6th 03, 08:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Are you a lawyer, or do you just play one on the Net??

it's got nothing to do with me personally .... ( I don't give a
rats a$% about it ) but I do have to sit in monthly meetings (
at work ) and listen to all this " rules and regulations " crap ....
which no one pays any attention to anyway. ( in the government ...
unless it suits them )

what I'm quoting is the current Federal interpretation of things ...
( seems to change monthly ) .... doesn't matter what you , or I,
or anyone else thinks it should be or is ( in reality ) it ONLY
matters what THEY think it means. they don't give a crap about
your or mine views about it. ( which you'll find out if you end up
with them in your face ) get over it ........ it's all just
political junk . ( when was the last time you ever heard of someone
getting busted for listening to cellfones or monitoring pagers ?
the " scanner police " are NOT going to come and bust down your
door while you are listening to cellular conversations , even if
it IS illegal !!! )

you probably voted the sapsuckers in there ... so it's YOUR fault
things got this way in the first place. ( thanks to your buddy
Newt ) h ah aha ha ha ahhaaa a
