This goes back to the days before scanners or even good tunable VHF
receivers. It's a two channel (150-175 Mc) (in those days it was Mc) xtal
controlled converter that's about the size of a pack of cigarettes. They
would strap it to the back of a small transistor am radio that was tuned to
the output of the converter. They worked reasonably well, especially when
you considered the other options available in those days, the local PD even
used them to keep up with the action while in the coffee shop.
It's in very good shape, has no xtals and I couldn't even tell you what cut
it would require. The ones I used to home brew used a standard 26.680 CB
xtal (5th overtone) but don't think this one is designed that way.
I'll pack it up and ship anyplace in the states for $15.00. You couldn't get
a more interesting looking paper weight for that.
Rob Mills ~ Tulsa