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Old November 18th 03, 06:01 AM
Steve Uhrig
Posts: n/a

On 17 Nov 2003 09:44:43 -0800, (Chuck) wrote:

Can someone tell me which one of the NOAA low orbiting satellites are
still active. I use to receive the sats and was possibly interested in
investing in some new equipment but wanted what was going on. Are they
dead or still in use?

NOAA 12, 15 & 17 are active. Sometimes 12 or 15 bump freqs so one or
the other may be turned off for a short while until their passes

NOAA 17 is very strong and easy to copy with stunning results. The
others are not as strong but perfectly adequate.

The Hamtronics receiver practically builds itself, works great and has
been trouble free for my wife for 2 years. A Woodhouse turnstile
antenna is cheap and simple and if you can keep the feedline under 100
feet or so of RG8X you won't need a preamp.

My wife uses Wxtoimg software, free w/ voluntary donations. Google for
all sources. We have less than $300 in our system not counting the
computer, did it in an easy weekend, and get 4-6 passes a day.

It's worth doing. We're in the woods, in a valley with only a narrow
view of the sky with the antenna 8 feet above a one story roof and we
still get plenty of passes. Even better in the fall and winter when
the leaves aren't on the trees.

Look up APT (Automatic Picture Transmission) on the web and you'll
find plenty of links.

Steve WA3SWS

************************************************** *******************
Steve Uhrig, SWS Security, Maryland (USA)
Mfrs of electronic surveillance equip
tel +1+410-879-4035, fax +1+410-836-1190
"In God we trust, all others we monitor"
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