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Old November 20th 03, 02:51 AM
Posts: n/a

FAE LLV#11 .. .

^ I'm a little confused here.....there are at maximum 10
^ freqs per group.

What's a group? I'll assume it is a group of frequencies assigned to a
communications subsystem.

^ However there are approx. 40 channels listed.

What is a channel? Normally "channel" refers to a communications path.
Historically a channel was either a single frequency for either simplex or
half-duplex communications, or two frequencies for full-duplex
communications. Today there are several other types of channels. In a
trunking system the talk group is the channel. The radio operator selects the
talk group with a channel selector and the computer system spreads those
communications over one or more frequencies. Those frequencies are the
"group" referred to above. The frequencies are entered into the computer, and
the scanner, in a certain order and are assigned numbers indicating that
order. These are then referred to as "logical channels".

^ What is my best approach for identifying all 40 channels?

What do you mean by "identify"? Identify the function of the talk group
(channel) or identify the talk group code?

You can find all the talk groups that are being used by leaving the scan bank
in the open mode (FUNC 5). This will scan all channels (talk groups). When
the radio stops on a channel in use the talk group code will appear on the
display. If you press TRUNK while it is being displayed the radio will enter
that talk group into its list of talk groups. Then if you set the bank to the
closed mode (FUNC 5 again), only those talk groups in the list will be
listened for (unless they are locked out).

When a bank is "open" a + (plus) is displayed below the bank number in scan
mode. When the bank is "closed" a - (minus) will be displayed instead.

When a bank is set to ED (EDACS) mode you can still enter other non-trunking
(conventional) frequencies in that same bank following the trunking
frequencies and those conventional frequencies will be scanned normally. Open
and closed do not affect conventional frequencies in the bank, it only
affects the trunking talk groups.

If you have trunking frequencies (marked as mode ED or not) and the bank is
not set to mode ED, those frequencies will be treated as if they were
conventional and the trunking system will not follow channels (talk groups).
For trunking to work the bank must be set to ED (PROGRAM, TRUNK, MODE).

If by "identify" you meant the function of a talk group (channel) then that
is done either by listening to the channels and figuring it out on your own
or by getting a list from some one who knows.

I hope I've answered your question in there somewhere.
