Thread: F-connectors
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Old May 16th 04, 04:58 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

"PDRUNEN" wrote in message
Hi Group,

Many thanks for the input with the open and shorted transmission lines.

On another subject, F-connectors are used for just about everything video,

RG-59 being 75 ohms is the F-connector designed for 75-ohms or can I use

type of connector with 50 ohm systems?

de KJ4UO

Hi, the F-connector is 75 ohm, and I have had to mate it to PL-259 to
connect Belden 9913 before. This required the awkward addition of an
F-to-BNC then BNC-to-SO-239 connector. The line loss added to this
arrangement was probably significant, but the reason was to adapt an
inexpensive log periodic beam antenna. Although manufacturer claimed
transmit capable, and I did test this on vhf-marine bands, the mismatch of
connectors should be used for receive-only.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach, Va