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Old November 29th 03, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 08:35:44 PST, (Everett
M. Greene) wrote:

Dave Holford writes:
VOR, if you are in a quiet environment and listen carefully, has a slow
very low frequency variation - but they have a CW identifier and some
have voice broadcasts of weather information.

I was able to listen to STP VOR (108.0) on an analog-tuned FM
receiver when living in St. Paul. Not very exciting -- you
heard the voice and code identifier continually. Not the
most exciting listening...

Your right all you will get from a VOR or ATIS is the CW identifier,
weather and current active runway information.
Tower, arrival and departure frequencies will be more active.
Also 121.50 mhz emergency and ELT, 243.00 mhz emergency
123.45 general chit chat.......