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Old December 1st 03, 06:03 PM
Posts: n/a

that sucks
damn pushy radioshack people. they'd rather deal some cellphones than be
interested in helping you out.
so much for "you've got questions we've got answers"

"HarryC" wrote in message
I've used this service recently. It worked no problem when I bought the
scanner. I lost the stored Freqs in a 'user mishap' associated with

recently. I went back to RS to ask them to re-program it. They flat

In fact, the guy behind the counter stated "I work on commision and don't
have time for this". Mind you, it took all of one minute to upload the

to the scanner on the first go-around, and I actually was buying another
antenna at the time. I finally convinced the store manager to give me a
printout of a local EDACS trunk I was after. In his defense, he stated

"we get too many requests for re-programs..I'd rather show you how to
program the scanner than to have you come back time and time again for
re-programs". I told him 'I know how to program the thing, I just wanted
the Freqs'. So, for whatever it is worth, don't be surprised if you get

same treatment. I can tell you that I am less apt to return to this
particular store in the future.

"Woolridge" wrote in message
thats a great idea for new people getting into the scanner scene.
i'd really appreciate it if i was to buy one.

"Jim Mac Donald" wrote in message
Has any one taken advantage of the offer made by Radio Shack
to program your new police scanne in teh storer " With in store
I' m wondering how accurate and all encompassing are their frequency
files, is the trunk settings to the correct mode? Are "fleet Maps"

talk groups

This is a great way to get a new trunking radio scanner up and

take it home listen for a while. Step through the memory channels and
trunking systems
to find out how correct the information is. Then customize the

to your area!
Even if there is not a trunking system with in your reception zone,
just having the conventional
frequencies entered shouldl be a great help!