On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 06:07:20 -0500, Jim Mac Donald wrote:
I've had similar problems with the ICOM IC R-2
When trying to load a file with free ware into the R-2, it gives a
"ERROR" thatr comes up on the R-2's display. Then after turing the
power off and
ofback on "CLEAR" shows up on the display and every thing in memory is
I try to use the application that came with the computer cable,
it will set the "CLONE" mode for the file transfer automatically in the
R-2 and if the file transfer crashes
the memory contents in the R-2 are not lost....
I don't know which software you are using for the ICOM IC-R2.
My experience is that a cloning operation will fail if
the radio's batteries are weak. This is especially true for the ICOM
and Yaesu portables which are powered by 2 AA cells.
================================================== =======================
Bob Parnass, AJ9S GNU/Linux User