had one since they first can out, still going today.
1 have to do this about once a year.
get a can of Nickle screening spray.
or a little bottle of heated rear window demister repair paint.
use that to put a 'blob' back on eack sponge key 'tit'
let it dry & away u go.
i find it a good idea to clean the opposing PCB pads with a little
isopropylyn (well that stuff!)
as well
mike Epping Forest UK
"Ghost Writer" wrote in message
I've tried already. Pad repairs kits in past were a waste. What are your
ideas? There was a huge thread in a news group in past on pad repairs.. It
seems I wasn't the only one who had trouble and found some of those kits
useless. G.W.
"mike" wrote in message
& i bet it was the keyboard!!
can be fixed quite easily!
"Ghost Writer" wrote in message
Has anyone bought and used the portable scanner RS has for sale for
Christmas for $149.99? The 1000 Channel job with text. Is it any good?
Pros/cons? I'm thinking of buying one. My Pro 39 bit the dust. TIA for
replies. G.W.