evans wrote in message . ..
I am looking for manuals for Bearcat Scanners 210XL & 211.
I have a functioning BC210XL and the owner's manual. I have no
computer scanner, but I will be glad to relay any important
information that the manual contains.
This is what I have for my 18-channel BC210XL. It may or may not apply
to the BC210 or the BC210XLT. The serial number of mine is 212126.
Frequency Service
30-50 VHF low band (the manual says 32-50)
144-148 2 meter ham band
148-174 VHF high band
420.462-450 70cm ham band
450-470 UHF band
470.0125-512 UHF-T band
31.200 41.595 146.400
I can enter frequencies as low as 30 MHz, despite the manual's stating
that the lower end of the coverage is 32 MHz.
The manual basically tells you not to let your scanner get wet and so
forth. The only thing you need to know is how to program frequencies
and how to search within limits. Here are the instructions for those
tasks. It should be enough information to get your started.
"Programming Frequencies Into the Receiver"
To program 162.255 MHz in channel 14:
PRESS: "Manual" enough times so that channel 14 is displayed
PRESS: 1 6 2 . 5 5 E
READ: 14 162.550
PRESS: "Manual" once, and the scanner steps to the next channel, 15
To program 471.1375 MHz in the next channel (15):
PRESS: 4 7 1 . 1 3 7 5 E
READ: 15 471.137 (rounded off to 6 places)
To search for unknown signals between two frequencies in the same band:
manually step to the channel you desire to use, (example Channel8),
then, for example, from 146.500 to 146.950 MHz:
PRESS: "Manual" enought times that you step to Channel 8
PRESS: 1 4 6 . 5 "Limit"
READ: 8 146.500 (One limit has been entered)
PRESS: 1 4 6 . 9 5 "Limit"
READ: 8 146.950 (The other limit has been entered)
PRESS: "Search"
You cannot write me directly at the address shown above. You're in
luck however, for I will be skiing in Switzerland later this week. My
villa there happens to be next door to the villa of one Mahatma Kane
Jeeves. He is kind enough to let me use his computer, bless his heart.
His email address is mahatmakanejeeves atatata swissinfo dtodotodot
Write if you need any more information.
Best wishes.