Ecomm Vancouver, BC Frequencies
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December 20th 03, 06:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Thanks Paul for all the info it's helped me out a lot!
Can you drop me a direct e-mail to
Paul Keenleyside wrote:
"Russell" wrote in message
Hi all,
Well now that most of the Police and Fire have gone trunked and digital
:-( in the lower mainland does anyone have any info on the frequencies
and type of trunked system Ecomm is using here in the Vancouver area?
I have heard some Fire and EHS on my older scanner (867.000ish) but need
to get a trunk tracker to monitor properly. I am mostly interested on
the Fire and EHS anyways as I know Police are mostly (all) digital.
If anyone has any info they can send me on the frequencies and or
trunking type I would really appreciate it!
The information is available at
in their log in
database. A password codec is needed to get in but
it's free to get one and is sent back automatically once the request is
completed, usually in a few minutes. Doesn't generate
spam. This opens the door to the extensive database covering North America
and other goodies.
Additional information is available at:
Discussions on the subject are available at:
The EComm system uses Pro-Voice digital, which is proprietary and there's no
scanner that can pick it up yet.
The scanners that are digital that are digital are APCO-25.
Vancouver Fire is EDACS and can be picked up on trunked scanners, once the
frequencies are set in the correct
Vancouver Police, most Lower Mainland police (including RCMP and RCMP Port
Mann, Deas Island Highway
Patrol are on the EComm's Pro-Voice Wide Area Radio System (WARS). Delta
Police and fire is due in shortly, but others such as Burnaby Fire are not
on EComm and Burnaby Fire can be picked up almost anywhere between Surrey
and West Vancouver and south to the U.S. Border on 154.400 Mhz / 153.770
Mhz. New Westminster is dispatched through
452.2875Mhz. Surrey Fire is available, but you need to be in Surrey pretty
much to receive it.
EHS in the Greater Vancouver area is also on the Pro-Voice EComm system.
However, once you get north of Squamish and east of Abbotsford, it is mostly
analogue as I was able to pick up RCMP repeaters easily from the Whistler
e-mail address is
Thanks in advance
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