"Frank" wrote in message
news:01c3c945$48be66f0$0125250a@chomquvfcaznyhdd.. .
^ We've owned many scanners each over the years -
^ base/mobile/portable, so we've seen some good performance here.
Then you haven't tried to receive any of the lower frequencies. I have not
yet been able to receive any 11 or 6 meter transmissions from a 5 Watt
transmitter unless it is within about 100 feet away. And that is with an
external antenna.
WRONG! WE have tried 11 meters, not that we want to listen to it, but it
worked well. Heard some truckers off the interstate about 5 miles away (the
interstate from our location). As to 6 meters, now that I can't defend as to
"off air" signals... to my knowledge, there isn't much 6 meter activity
here. I've been in ham for a long time and I've heard only a hand full speak
of any activity. Matter of fact, a friend of mine bought an H.F. rig with 6
meters in it, to try it. IT IS DEAD! So, yes, I'd say the scanner is working
quite well as it comes out of the box with the rubber ducky alone. Upon
reading your complaint, before finishing this reply, I just tried 6 and 10
meters along with channel 19 - CB on my Motorola Service Monitor. The
receiver opened up below the listed values. The book says .3uV, I got on the
order of .222 - .260 uV. And with what I've heard off air as stated above
given my area, I'd say these units are working well. There are receivers out
there with ,5uV or a bit more doing daily commercial work. The units are
working well. Given how well these units are working with the rubber duck, I
look forward to trying it on a out door antenna. My next trip to my
repeater, I'm going to use an antenna off the tower for a few to check it
out. Ought to be interesting. I've had scanners and other radios here that
sucked when it came to receive or transmit in my area. People pull up in
front of my home/shop and the receivers die. Power lines, numerous homes
shielding the signals with aluminum siding, and so on. I've been in a
particular building up the street that due to it's construction, it sucked
up signals. These units pulled the signals right out of the air. So, I HAVE
tested them in some known dead areas as well as on the Service Monitor. I'm
quite pleased with the results and stand by my claim. Again, my biggest
problem, filling up all 1000 channels. I'll find something.