I too have the Radio Shack 800 mHZ antenna. It works great on my Bearcat
"Richard G Amirault" wrote in message
Great for you .. but I would reccommend Radio Shacks 800mHZ rubber duck.
It made a considerable difference on 800meg receive with my unit, and no
noticable loss on the 400 meg bands.
Richard in Boston, MA, USA
Ghost Writer wrote:
: My brother and I both bought a Pro-95 for ourselves for Christmas. Man,
: these things work great. EXCELLENT receive. We're very impressed. We've
: owned scanners for many years. These have done very well thus far. We're
: getting signals in some areas that we couldn't receive in before with
: portable scanners using RD antennas. Well worth the cost in our books.
: to finish filling in the rest of the channels. We're only up to 200. I'm
: sure we'll find something.
: G.W.