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Old December 24th 03, 08:10 PM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Jackie" wrote:

"Dwight Stewart" wrote:

A very small, micro-thin, wire ran around
the entire ceiling of the apartment (right
where the wall meets the ceiling), fed into a
tuner/pre-amp. To keep visibility low, the
wire is glued in place (a tiny touch of Elmer's
school glue about every foot.

That's something that I could do here.
Thanks for the ideas Dwight...

It works, but it's real overkill. In my case, it's done now so I use it
with the shortwave. But I probably wouldn't do it again. Instead, I'd
probably look into some type of folded wire antenna that is less intrusive.
Luckily, antennas for scanners are much shorter than antennas for a
shortwave receiver. Take care, Jackie.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)