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Old December 30th 03, 12:15 AM
Bill Crocker
Posts: n/a

I am very aware of the loss associated with coax, and you are absolutely
correct! I recall mounting a special antenna for the 800MHz band, several
years ago, using RG58/U. To make things worse, the run was about 75 feet.
End of story...usless!

Thanks for the info!

Bill Crocker

"RN" wrote in message
--- My reply to what Bill wrote 12/29/2003 1:48:14 PM

You are right, a good antenna can really improve things but just as

some times more important, is a good quality coax. I would suggest at

9913 or better.

As for the antenna, it is hard to pick just the right one for everything

want to hear. You either have to compromise on gain to pick up wide band
performance or you have to pick a gain antenna on the band you are most
interested in and let the other signals be received as well as they can


A lot of antennas are made with low quality materials and poor

techniques. For all around (wide band) I like the Icom discone antenna it

the loaded whip for low band and does a fair job up to about 1200 MHz.

Being a
discone it has no gain but is wide band. Construction is good and I have

one up on the roof a number of years.

An antenna you should consider, if you live outside town or have signals
mostly in one direction you want to hear is the scanner beam. You can

mount it
fixed in a direction or put a rotor under it. I have found, it works quite
well. I am not impressed with the materials used in it but so far it has
survived the weather for 8 months without falling apart.

You can buy, or build a single band, gain antenna that should do a good

job on
a single band and will receive local stuff on the other bands. If you have

couple of these for different bands mounted you can switch back and forth

your scanning needs change, These will truly give you the best gain. Look

buy or build with something with at least 6 to 9 db of gain, mount it as

as you can, away from power lines and metal. They will do a good job.

As I mentioned before, the coax is very important, if you lose all the

you gain by putting the antenna outside you end up with nothing better

you have except the time and cost. Use the best coax you can afford, 9913

better and keep it as short and direct as you can. Do not use adapters or
spitters unless you have to (the add a lot of loss) and make sure the coax

weather tight.

----------------------- Original Message ------------------------------

Bill Crocker ...

^ I'm considering putting up a good antenna, to go with my
^ new BC796D scanner. It seems many of the scanner antennas
^ on the market are made very poorly, and don't hold up over
^ time, and weather. Has anyone spent the big bucks ...

[Some portions of this message may have been removed]

--------------------- Original Message Ends ------------------------