In article ,
Can anyone please recommend one reasonably current good book for a novice
to learn more about the radio hobby in general?
For instance, a little radio frequency theory, some basic antenna
discussion, maybe some coverage of amateur bands, etc.
Something technical enough to be a good shelf reference.
Judging from the replies, there doesn't seem to be any one book that
suits your needs, except possibly the Skip Arey book. So let me
supplement the list with some additional recommendations:
1) If you're interested in shortwave listening, you will want to at
least have a copy of "Passport to World Band Radio." You can get it
just about anywhere, or visit to order it direct from
the publisher. It's got detailed information about broadcasters,
schedules and contact information, plus an excellent overall
introduction to the SWL hobby and reviews of a wide range of various
types of SW receivers. It comes out each year, so I pick up a new one
every time it comes out.
2) Get a subscription to Monitoring Times ("MT") magazine, also Popular
Communications ("PopComm"). Both are monthly publications. MT is
heavier on shortwave but covers a lot of different radio monitoring
subjects. PopComm is a bit more slanted towards scanning and personal
communications other than ham radio -- probably because PopComm is
published by the same folks that put out "CQ Amateur Radio," an all-ham
magazine. ;-)
3) If you decide to go further into ham radio, then CQ Magazine is a
good one to get. It covers more operating than it does the technical
aspects. Another -- and arguably the best -- ham magazine is QST, which
is available only either over the counter or as part of a membership in
the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). If you get into ham radio, get
an ARRL membership. Visit for further information.
And whatever your choice in radio interests, please visit the ASWLC and
SCADS groups on Yahoo! Groups. See my sig for the URLs. We'll be glad
to have you aboard, and the online membership is free!
-- //Steve//
Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Please visit the following sites:
American Shortwave Listening Club (ASWLC)
Southern California Area DXers