nItpIk ...
^ .. but most of the cops around here use their
^ cell phones so much that most of the traffic is
^ on that system.
And on their data terminals/computers. This is out of necessity because of
the increased voice traffic that has become necessary. Cops today are tied to
their radios like an umbilical. Every move must be reported and they are
called frequently to see if they're OK.
The increased traffic is also due to the increased availability of a 911
call. It used to be that if you saw someone speeding on the freeway there was
nothing that you could do. By the time you got to a phone the vehicle would
be long gone. Now every time someone sees a speeder they call in a dangerous
driver, and every time someone gets flipped off they call in road rage. In
order to get any time for communications cops need to resort to the cellular
full-duplex radio system. The privacy of this system is also a convenience.