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Old January 11th 04, 10:13 AM
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Default Help!! realistic Pro 2020

Don't know if this is the right group, but I'll give it a shot....

My mother-in-law was given a PRO 2020, and programmed the scanner, but can't
hear anything but static. She has asked me if I can repair it (since I'm a
former Navy RADAR tech). I think I'm on the right track here, but need some
tech support since I have been unsuccesful in locating a service manual. The
scanner does pick up the carrier and very faint audio/no static. I have
verified this by programming in the NOAA freq and turning the volume all the
way up. When I programmed in city police channel 1, all I get is static
until they key up, then it goes to the very faint audio/no static, until key
is released then static again. The squelch has no function at all. Also
doesn't scan, but this is most likely because of no squelch. I am leaning
toward the discriminator chip, has the functions of audio pre-amp, squelch,
and scan. Am I going in the right direction? Any techies out there?
