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Old January 21st 04, 12:43 PM
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Default The Top 10 Reasons you should stay at the Hiram Hotel in Georgia

This is hystericalROTFLMAO, enjoy......

10. Their slogan is, "We'll leave the WHITE on for ya!"

9. Those Confederate Flag pillow cases.

8. Sign in the lobby announces: "Pat Buchanan Rally This Saturday!!!"

7. Sign behind the front desk reads: "You're damn right we're open on
Martin Luther King Day!"

6. Sign above the beds reads: "Absolutely no HIP-HOPPING on the

5. Sheets and towels already have eye-holes cut in them.

4. No rating by the AAA. . . but 5-stars by the KKK.

3. Bible on the nightstand replaced with a copy of "Mien Kampf".

2. Instead of a "Presidential Suite" they have a "Grand Wizard Suite".

And the Top Reason to Stay at the Hiram Hotel. . .

1. Every morning the front desk will give you a "wake-up slur".

Anyone else have any like minded humor?