you're right about that .. and some in ways you might not expect. I
have a 2.4 gig wireless WAP installed in my home . it's a Linksys
wireless router that feeds wideband cable to several different
computers and a laptop which I move around a lot.
I also run a Zone Alarm ( freeware ) software firewall on each
machine on the router. I have the router set " tight " ( no outside
port access ) and when testing on those web security sites , it reads
" invisible " .. highest level of security " as a test result.
well don't buy into that for a minute !!! on ANY machine on
the system , I can kill all the browser programs and set Zone Alarm
to " lock " ( kill ALL internet activity ) and when Zone Alarm is in
lock it reports " any " attempted intrusions. ( which naturally there
shouldn't be any since my hardware firewall is on " tight " highly
secure and should let NO inbound communications pass with no
internal web programs opening the ports )
in this supposedly secure state , Zone Alarm will report as many as
3 attempts per minute , from my ISP to gain access to my computer,
or as many as several hundred attempts per hour. ( on hundreds of
random port numbers ) it shouldn't be possible for people or
equipment to literally " pass through " my LinkSyS firewall router
.... but there it is in " spades " ... just like it wasn't there. it's
not like it's a trojan on my computer or something .... it happening
in the firewall .... but it makes one wonder what program it's trying
to contact on my computer too.
haha ha ahahahaha
I have a number of friends and family members that also use the same
wideband cable company and ALL of them have the same thing
happening at their houses when I check there .
questions to the cable company bring NO return answers.
I have one friend with DSL and even he has the same thing happening.
I have used " Link Ferret " to try to monitor and disclose the data
stream packets and it rarely says more than that a packet passed ( not
identifying them ) or reports a " broadcast " and says nothing more.
additionally the fact that Zone Alarm doesn't report ANY intrusion
attempts when not in the lock state , ( or outgoing comm attempts
either ) must mean that the communications attempts are passing
through Zone Alarm when in the active state too. Soooooooooo
......... whom has the technology AND information to pass right
through both a LinkSyS hardware firewall and a software firewall ???
nothing about this is happening in the hacking circles ...
hummmmmmmmmm ......... interesting stuff. take a minute and
get a free copy of Zone Alarm ( or some other software firewall )
and lock it down and see if you have the same thing happening at YOUR
home location. you might be both surprised and shocked at the
network or wireless net security ..... not exactly ....... maybe
homeland security has gone a bit toooooooo far ..... dunno
but it's all a little scary if that is what it's all about. ( to me
anyway )
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 20:57:59 -0800, "Jason Wagner"
" war driving " has been a popular computer eavesdropping and hacking
hobby for some time ... and it isn't even illegal yet. but many
And it can be easily defeated by implementing basic security
measures on the wireless network. Try again?
Sorry, wireless security does not exist.