need advice - purchasing a new scanner
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January 24th 04, 10:46 AM
Jim Mac Donald
Posts: n/a
Here's some on line stores
and two others that advertises at strongsignals,net
AGAIN to listen to the Michigan State Police and all the other agencies
on that system you will need a BC 796 or the hand held by Radio Shack ,
The BC 785 with the digital card will not trunk track the Michigan
State Police
system. You may want to enter the 800 Mhz freq. for your county and
listen to them
conventionally to get a feeling for the traffic on trunking systems. You
be able to follow the talk group channels but you can tell if its
encrypted , digital and if
it's of interest.
Thank you !! I think this may be exactly what I'm searching for (a
local place that sells scanners that is Not radio shack!
I'll probably give them a try later this week, once I decide on what I
I just need to figure out What it is that I need ....
I know I'm set on purchasing a desktop scanner with the display on the
screen ... but not sure of a model # or brand that would be best for
my area.
Thanks again for everyone's help/responses!!
On 14 Jan 2004 05:01:16 -0800,
(SpazMaTaz) wrote:
Try K-40 (They're a local dealer, not the national brand company).
It's on the south-east corner of 14 mile and Van Dyke. I haven't been=
there in a couple of years (married, so no money to buy anything) but
I got my CB (a refurbished Uniden PC76XL) and a K-40 antenna there
about 7 years ago and it is still cranking like a champ. They even
replaced the connector on the antenna when it came loose for me at no
charge. Soldered a new one on in seconds, right there. I believe
they'll carry the uniden scanners. They'll also carry all the
accesories you'll ever need...Antennas, external speakers, adapters,
latest issue of police call...etc.
wrote in message news:bh9300l728n5dcke1pdhmvt6=
Thanks to everyone for their advice & suggestions!
A LOT of this stuff goes right over my head (digital ... trunking ..=
etc.), but I'm reading and trying to learn. : )
I probably won't turn this into a huge hobby or anything - honestly,=
just want a New scanner that is desktop (is 'base' the right term?).=
It will Not be something portable that I would take on trips with me=
I just want it, so I can listen to it at home, in the evenings for
fun. (I already have an Old handheld - Radio Shack 200 channels,
1.3GHz, Hyperscan Pro-26 with an antenna bought separately - RH77CA
I just want the new desktop scanner for home and to sit on an end
table/stand in the living room. I'd prefer it to have a screen that=
can program it to 'label' what frequency and name of what agency
(fire, p.d., city ...) it is picking up, example:
453.800 Detroit Police
Right now, the handheld scanner I do have (which I guess, I could ta=
it on trips if I decided I wanted to do that) JUST displays the #'s.=
So, for the past several years, whenever I'd listen to the scanner,
and see the frequency # or channel - I would have to refer to a list=
and compare it to the channel, to 'try' to figure out What I was
listening to. : )
I'm not having much luck find a place that sells desktop/base scanne=
though! I looked at
Catalog Home -- Phones & Radio Communications -- Radio
Communications -- Scanners & Accessories
clicked on:
Metro (800MHz/Digital) Scanner
They only had Two - one was out of stock (Uniden=AE BC785D Digital
Scanner), the other (Pro-2052 1000-Channel Dual-Trunking DeskTop
Scanner) didn't look like I could add text/labels to the display
I tried:
and it seemed as if their entire stock is "like new" condition. I
want something brand new, not used.
I've listened to my old handheld scanner for Many years, but this is=
the First time I'm researching how/where/what to purchase and I'm ju=
trying to figure out What I need to buy. I'd be listening to mostly=
Oakland County Michigan (and Macomb & Wayne County Michigan also).
Thanks again for all your replies!!
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