The other antenna requires alot more horizontal space, which can add to
the wind load. The Scantenna will provide a safer, more-secure mount to a
mast. Jeff
pretty decent results on VHF and UHF. Doesn't seem to work that well on
800 mhz and above. Chris
I am more interested in freq's below 800 as I get great reception on the
local 800 system with just the on-board antenna.
I am smack dab in the middle of tornado alley and have been thinking as Jeff
mentioned the ground plane will be quite a target. I was considering selling
one but am now thinking I'll put up the ground plane and keep the Scantenna
as a spare as I don't have much invested in either.
Is that 9913 a small diameter or large dia coax? Expensive? I'm needing to
put up 2 sw antennas and 1 scanner ant so will need quite a bit. Was
thinking I would use RG6. RM~