I am not exactly sure, but you may want to check with your local FCC
Field Office before you do such a thing. It is illegal to rebroadcast
any transmission in any form. Therefore I would suggest you check up
on that to make sure it is legal. Not a flame, just want to help...
Hello, thanks for the warning. So far we are fairly confident we are
in the clear. Many people from the various organizations use the
feeds. We see traffic from the FAA to the Norfolk feeds, and from
various cities to the respective city feeds.
Thanks for the heads up! It would be an issue if people were using the
PCR-1000s to listen to cordless phones... the radios won't do cellular
so we are good there. The one touchy thing would be people using the
PCR units to listen to FM from out of area, as the voice talent
restrictions come into play. *shrug*