In an effort to combat the recent influx of paid access scanner feeds,
and the loss of many decent free public safety audio feeds to these
sites, I have started Online ( ).
As of yesterday (2/4/04), the site has direct dedicated feeds covering
Boston, MA Police, Boston, MA EMS and Boston, MA Fire and a direct
feed covering the Greater Providence, RI fire departments. Dedicated
feeds of the Boston, MA area notification networks (Citywide Fire
Radio and the Metro Radio System), Providence, RI Police, Providence,
RI Fire and Attleboro, MA PD/FD are planned for the near future.
Also featured are several links to non direct feeds from around the
I am looking for people that believe that online public safety audio
should remain free, and are willing to volunteer to host feeds (either
dedicated or general coverage) from their area. Please stop by and
check out the site, and if you are willing to host a feed (it's really
very easy), please feel free to contact me for more info.
Ed Burke