Chris schrieb:
I already have a VHF/UHF
base antenna up on the roof and I would like to run both antennas to the
796D. Can I get by with just using a T-connector for both antennas or do I
need to go with some kind of duplexer? If any of you have done something
like this, I would like to hear your ideas.
Hi Chris.
Using a T-connector might work or might not. Just give it a try.
Maybe it will cause some loss or improvement depending on interaction or
interference between the antennas in some frequency ranges....
Otherwise I would recommend a manually antenna switch to feed 2 or more
antennas to one (T)RX. It's a common part on the HAM-market.
Cheaper ones use PL-connectors better ones N-connectors. I've not seen
swirtches with BNC.
For RX only a divice-switch witch RCA/cinch connectors for audio will
work fine. With that you need only to use the left or the right channel
connectors. Or feed another pair of antennas to another RX.
In all cases you may need some adaptors or the right connectors fitted
to your cables.