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Old March 1st 04, 12:16 AM
Tim ODonnell
Posts: n/a

That is a good question. When I first started newsgroups (many years ago) it
was almost all top posting. It was sort of assured that the poster had read
the previous email so why bottom post and make everyone, who also read the
post scroll through known territory? It really never bothered me a whole lot
where the post was placed. However, I don't like those replies that are
mixed in with the previous post. I find them hard to read. Especially when
the replies have the smeared all over the page by bad acting news readers.

Now please, lets not have top or bottom post police grin.


"Greasy Rider" wrote in message
On Sun, 29 Feb 2004 22:50:25 GMT, "Tim ODonnell"
disturbed the phosphur particles on my
screen with the following:

Enough already! First it was price police now we have antnna police. Has
anybody heard oc "caveat emptor"! Now pleas leave it alone and move on!

It's winter.
They're getting cranky because they can't get out and play.

(Never understood why some people top post.
It's kinda like the answer prior to the question.)