That should have read: "and 406-512"
"Fred" wrote in message
"NetCruzer" wrote in message
I've got one that needs programed but I have no manual for it. I need
to know how many frequencies it has and how to program frequences in.
This radio has 10 scan channels plus weather search. 29-54, 136-174, and
406-412. Scan delay, one priority, channel lockout. No cellular, no
Turn it on.
Push the "manual" button to stop it from scanning.
Push numeral 1, then push "manual" again. This should leave you on channel
Using the keypad enter the frequency you want to monitor, then push
or "E"
Push "manual" to step to channel number two. Enter the frequency. Push
"enter." Push "manual" to step to channel three.
Repeat this process until all the channels are full, or you've run out of
frequencies to enter.
Adjust the squelch control until the hiss goes away, then just a tiny bit
more in the same direction.
Push "scan" to start automatically scanning the frequencies. The radio
stop when it hears someone talking, then resume scanning two seconds after
the conversation has stopped.