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Old March 8th 04, 12:25 PM
Posts: n/a

DxxxxxBxx schrieb:

I'm not familiar with the BC-780-XLT. Is the AF-Output a normal audio
output or is it a discriminator output?

It is the normal Audio-Output, no discriminator output is needed....

If the output is normal audio, wouldn't any scanner work?

Just for decoding the Messages and have them on the Screen and in the
Log-File, you are right, any Scanner will work. But to tune the
Scanner automatically on the Frequency where the Voice-Communication
will take place you need a Scanner with an Computer-Remote-Control
Interface like the (U)BC-780 XLT. The Software in the Moment is only
able to Control this Model (ore the ones with famillary Remote
Commands), but I will add mode in future versions.

Thanks for your efforts.

Regards to all, Jochen

On Sun, 07 Mar 2004 20:05:14 +0100, Jochen

Hi Guys...

For those of you who are intrested in MPT-1327 Standard
Trunking Networks I have coded a little Programm for
Tracking these Networks with a Computer/Soundcard
and an (U)BC-780-XLT.
Simply connect the AF-Output from your Scanner to
the Soundcard of your Computer and connect the Serial
Port to your Scanner.
If the selfdiscribing .ini-File is set properly
you are able to Track the Calls....

The Software ist still beta, but of course for free :-)

Happy Trunk-Tracking, Jochen DF1VB

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