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Old March 14th 04, 11:06 PM
John Burns
Posts: n/a

Is there any way to confirm this?
I have access to a spectrum analyzer which goes up to 2.050GHz which I may
have to keep at the ready on my desk at work for when the chopper flies

John Burns
[To reply by email, change the phonetics in my address to letters]

"Marian P Rogers" wrote in message
I've have this secondhand, so can't 100% confirm myself.

According to a source the NZ Police HeliTele links are somewhere in
the 1.8-2.0Ghz range. I know someone using an Icom ICR-9000 and he
reckons he can rx them.

Regards, Marian P Rogers, New Zealand


"John Burns" wrote in message

Hi there,
I am trying to confirm / find out a couple of things.
1. What is the video downlink frequency from the NZ police auckland
helicopter (eagle) - is it 2.7GHz?
2. I am told this is a standard unencrypted video signal, is this

3. Apparently the audio channel trnsmits gps information of the

Has anyone tried to decode this?

John Burns

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